Mumblers recommend:
“West Runton definitely – cheap all-day car park & a lovely little cafe & shop on the slip down to the beach.” SC, June ’18
“West runton is great, just check the tide times before you go, the tide needs to be out so that you can get to the rock pools” AH, June ’18
“Sea Palling has rocks you can get to when the tide is out and you can climb over them and look in the pools for starfish and crabs etc. Nice beach too.” GN, June ’18
“Was at Cromer yesterday late afternoon and lots of rock pools before ride came back in, presumably there’s a point earlier in the day it’s like that – Or West runton was always the classic when I was little!” HL, June ’18
“If you head to Runton, go down the slip way and therock pools are to your left when the tide is out. You can’t miss them. Take buckets or trays to observe your finds and print an ID resource so you can work out what you find. Have fun!” JK, June ’18.
West Runton, Cromer, Sheringham and Hunstanton have all been mentioned as the best places to go rockpooling in Norfolk.